Ghillie Dhu

words and music: Gary Morrell

b. 5/15/23


Ghillie Dhu

Ghillie Dhu

Ghillie Dhu

Under the stump at the head of the meadow

There you may spy a glimpse of the Sprite

Friend to the flowers the birch and the river

Helping lost children to home in the night 


A little girl thought she knew her way home

The forest looks so different at dusk

She was lost, scared sad and alone 

Until the Ghillie took her hand and steered her home 

Ghillie Dhu 

Ghillie Dhu 

Ghillie Dhu

He led her back to her home in the hamlet 

No one knew but the girl and the Dhu

She told her mom of her Ghillie Dhu gambit 

Her mom said she dreamt it, no one ever knew  


The little girl grew up straight and tall 

She told her children of her time with the Dhu

They listened wide-eyed, to their mother’s wild tale 

If they saw the Dhu this mother would believe them 


Ghillie Dhu , the flowers and the birch 

Ghillie Dhu is through with you 


For now


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Learn about The Ghillie Dhu